Star Wars’ The Mandalorian Adventures Reveals Season 2 Favorites in New Expansion
Star Wars’ The Mandalorian Adventures gets a new season 2 expansion
Welcome To Everdell Review: A Brilliant Entry Point for All Ages
Tabletop Tycoon and Asmodee’s Welcome to Everdell is a perfect entry point for new players and new franchise fans -
Welcome to Everdell Team Reveals How They Created an Everdell for All Ages
The team behind Welcome to Everdell talks making a game for all fans, future of the franchise, and more. -
LEGO Gets Its Own Board Game Studio
LEGO and Asmodee have announced a multi-year partnership and the formation of a new game studio. -
Star Wars: X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Cancelled by Atomic Mass Games
Two Star Wars miniatures games were cancelled by Asmodee this week. -
New Lord of the Rings Game Announced
Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle Earth will be released later this year. -
The Mandalorian Board Game Announced
The Mandalorian: Adventures adapts the first season of the tabletop game. -
Asmodee, Dark Horse Comics Owner Embracer Group Announces Plans to Split into Three Companies
Embracer Group to split into three companies. -