
Arrow Comic-Style Preview: “Lost Souls”

‘ so if you weren’t already hyped already, there you go.Arrow: ‘Lost Souls’ airs Wednesday, […]

Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim has tweeted out the latest “comic book” style preview, this for tomorrow night’s episode, “Lost Souls.” The episode focuses on the search for Brandon Routh’s Ray Palmer, who is stuck in a shrunken form as The Atom.

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The preview focuses on a comedic moment outside Kord Industries (come on, Guggenheim, we know you’re doing that just to tease us Blue Beetle fans!), but also has a nice touch: the shot of our two Canaries side-by-side in action.

Guggenheim calls the episode his “favorite of the season (so far)” so if you weren’t already hyped already, there you go.

Arrow: “Lost Souls” airs Wednesday, November 11 at 8pm on The CW.