
Batman and Thanos Top Sales Charts in August as The Walking Dead Continues to Surge

Skybound’s The Walking Dead was the only Image Comics title — and in fact the only non-Big Two […]
The Walking Dead

Marvel Comics took five of the top ten spots to DC’s four, with the penultimate issue of their Original Sin crossover event outselling the first issue of DC’s Grant Morrison odyssey The Multiversity (although, with an extra dollar on the cover price, The Multiversity may have generated more at the box office, so to speak).

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You can Click on the titles to see our reviews of Original Sin #7 and The Multiversity #1. You can also read an interview with the writer of the month’s #1 book, Batman #34, here.

Those were the third and fourth top sellers, with the first two spots taken by DC’s and Marvel’s respective flagship characters, Batman and The Amazing Spider-ManSuperior Spider-Man #32 also rounded out the top five.

The Walking Dead, which placed outside of the top ten in the collected edition and original graphic novel list (a real rarity), came in at #6 on the monthly comics list. It’s uncommon, bordering on unprecedented, for any comic not published by DC or Marvel to make the top ten monthly comics as often as The Walking Dead has in recent years.

What beat it out on the graphic novels side? Well, a tie to the blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy movie probably didn’t hurt Thanos: The Infinity Revelation, which took the #1 spot. The first volume of Brian Michael Bendis’s Guardians of the Galaxy also made the list at #6, while stalwarts like Saga (the first three volumes) and Watchmen rounded out the list behind it.

The rest of the top five was more of a mixed bag behind Thanos, with Batman: Year One and Fables Volume 20 joined by Trillium and Deadpool vs. Carnage.