
Check Out These Star Wars Vehicle Specifications In LEGO Form

LEGO artists have long been drawn to Star Wars builds due to the franchise’s iconic vehicles, […]
lego star wars vehicle build
(Photo: Robert Lundmark)

LEGO artists have long been drawn to Star Wars builds due to the franchise’s iconic vehicles, starships, and complex building sets. Following the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, LEGO newbie Robert Lundmark made a name for himself within the DIY community. And, now, Robert is sharing some of his best pieces’ specification sheets for eager fans wanting to make their own X-Wing Fighters.

With four sheets uploaded, Robert shares his build information for vehicles such as the T-65 X-Wing, T-47 Snowspeeder, AT-ST, and AT-AT.

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The T-65 sits at 85×75 cm, and the complete configuration features spot-on power sources and build features from the Star Wars films. Using diagrams to breakdown his work’s components, Robert points out where features like the Deflector Shield Generator, Laser Canons, and Thrust Engines.

As for Robert’s T-47 Snowspeeder, the build is a bit more compact at only 45×35 cm. Carrying sharp angles, the thicker project features Wing Tanks, Converters, and even Harpoon Gun ports. The AT-ST and AT-AT are both taller than Robert’s previous two works, and the grey-scale models look strikingly similar to their on-set counterparts. The build’s sturdy legs, laser launchers, and side hatches are all accounted for on the pieces.

Robert reached LEGO fame earlier in the year when the artist uploaded homemade builds of Rey’s speeder, Poe Dameron’s X-Wing, and Teedo’s Luggabeast. When interviewed about his work, Robert described his designs and the love he holds for Star Wars.

“Building Star Wars models all comes down to getting the angles right, and the proportions,” he said. “I really want to get them right because that’s something I think official LEGO sets often have to compromise on. I can spend a lot of time getting the cockpit or the nose of the X-wing just right, for example. When I do, the rest of the build just sort of evolves from there. Another thing Iยดve become interested in is combining all the lovely new colours the LEGO company is giving us these days in interesting ways, like on the Luggabeast model. It can be quite striking when you get it right.”

Check out Robert’s LEGO builds in our gallery below and let us know what you think!