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returned last week on AMC with what we thought was the best episode of the series so far. Dean Cain, who starred in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, paid a visit to the Secret Stash.This weekend, the celebrity cavalcade continues on Comic Book Men, as Nichelle Nichols pays a visit to the Secret Stash. Nichols played Lieutenant Uhura on the original Star Trek series. It seems that Nichols visits the Stash looking for an Uhura Mego doll from the ’70s.Also on this episode of Comic Book Men, an X-Men fan buys the first appearance of the Phoenix.Comic Book Men stars Kevin, Walt, Bryan, Michael and Ming, as they work and hang out at Kevin Smith’s Red Bank, New Jersey comic shop, Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash.The “Uhura’s Uhura” episode of Comic Book Men airs on Sunday, February 16, 2014 at Midnight on AMC.Photo Credit: David Russell/AMC