Dean Cain, who played Superman in the 1990s television series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, shared his thoughts on Man of Steel during an interview with ABC News Radio. Cain felt the film was lacking a couple of things.”The last incarnation of Superman was completely different than anything I did on Lois & Clark. It was kind of devoid of the two things that made our show special, which were humor and romance,” Cain said. “It didn’t have either of those. There was no humor and there was no real romance. I saw the movie they pushed. There’s no romance in there. I’m sorry.””I think Henry did a great job,” Cain continued. “I love Amy Adams as an actress, but that wasn’t romantic to me. Those elements were missing but they weren’t going for those. They were going for that angst-y, alien, real feel. It was pretty cool.”Cain isn’t the first to publicly point out Man of Steel‘s shortcomings. As was first to report, Joe Quesada also had some critical words for Man of Steel recently.The sequel to Man of Steel, Batman vs. Superman, is currently filming and is scheduled for theatrical release on May 6, 2016.
Dean Cain Says Man Of Steel Was Devoid Of Humor And Romance
Dean Cain, who played Superman in the 1990s television series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of […]