
First Look At Donny Cates’ Baby Teeth From AfterShock Comics [EXCLUSIVE]

Comic fans around the country have started to learn the name of Donny Cates this year, after the […]

Comic fans around the country have started to learn the name of Donny Cates this year, after the author launched his sold-out hit series God Country in January.

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Now, Donny is announcing another new series – called Baby Teeth – and we’re bringing you the exclusive first look at the comic.

Check out this short synopsis for Baby Teeth, followed by a Q&A with Cates about the book. For a peek into the cover and art of the series, click through the gallery below!

Sadie Ritter is sixteen years old, nine months pregnant, and scared out of sweet nerdy mind. Having a baby that young is tough. But with the support of her loving family behind her, everything should be okay. OH YEAH, and also her baby is the antichrist and it’s going to break open the barriers between the earthly and demonic planes and unleash eternal suffering to all of humankind. Other than that, though…should be fine.

This exciting new series from AfterShock is like Buffy the Vampire Slayer combined with Rosemary’s Baby.

[CB] In your own words, give fans a quick overview of what they can expect from Baby Teeth.

[DC] Baby Teeth is a really charming story about a sixteen-year-old girl named Sadie who gives birth to the antichrist and all the wacky adventures that ensue. I know it sounds like I’m being flippant, but it really is a lot of fun. I’ve been writing a lot of really serious stories about grumpy old guys (God Country) and dusty Texan vampires (Redneck. On sale April 19th!) and I just wanted to write something that was….sweet. And kind and innocent. FUN! Of course, my idea of fun has the antichrist in it. But yeah, it’s a hoot.

Which character in Baby Teeth are you most excited to introduce to the world?

Sadie. Our main character is honestly one of my favorite character I’ve ever written. Up there with Ruben from Buzzkill, Emmett from God Country and Perry from Redneck. Normally it kind of takes some time for a character to become fully formed in my head. To come alive, you know? But not with Sadie. Sadie appeared to me fully formed and perfect in my mind. It’s the fastest I’ve fallen in love with a character. Honestly, my entire pitch for the book was mostly me telling Mike Marts and Lee Kramer how much I loved her haha.

Sadie’s older sister Heather is a blast too. Cool. Dangerous. She’s not a great person, but she’s an amazing sister.

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(Photo: Aftershock Comics)

What made you interested in bringing Baby Teeth to AfterShock Comics and how has your experience been so far?

Well, I had a meeting with Mike and Lee at last year’s Comic-Con and I like to think we really hit it off. Since then It’s really just been a matter of finding the right project. The insane thing about Baby Teeth is that it’s literally the fastest turnaround time from idea in my head to contract on my desk I’ve ever had. The idea really just kind of occurred to me fully formed. That is…not something that happens to me.

And as for how it’s been so far, it’s been outstanding. Mike and Lee and Garry and the whole crew have all been locked in from the jump as to what we are trying to accomplish in this story. I couldn’t have asked for a better team. Garry fucking Brown!! come on!

Why should fans be excited to read Baby Teeth?

Well, look I can’t tell you what to do, right? But if you’ve dug any of the bizarre stuff in my books, and you dig Buffy and Paper Girls and satan and stuff, this is the book for you. Oh and hell monsters, and intergalactic demons and gun fights and superman and….look it’s so much fun. Just pick it up. It’s so cool.

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