
Iron Man 3: The Five Least Heroic Things Tony Stark Does

Lots of people piled on Man of Steel, saying that Superman didn’t act enough like Superman and […]
Tony Stark with machine guns

Lots of people piled on Man of Steel, saying that Superman didn’t act enough like Superman and that he left people in harm’s way during the film’s explosion- and battle-driven third act. That might be a fair assessment, but it perhaps ignores the fact that the only reason anyone cares is that Superman is special.How do we know? Well, nobody complained about these shabby things Tony Stark did in Iron Man 3…!That’s right–everyone’s favorite tin-plated Avenger is a self-described jerk and womanizer, so you can’t hold those things against him…but sometimes in this particular film, he did things that were particularly……what’s the opposite of inspiring?Anyway, here’s a list of our favorite lowlights, in honor of the release of the Blu-ray and DVD of Iron Man 3 today.Please note that this list is for entertainment purposes only and anyone found to be taking it too seriously in the comments will be summarily mocked.

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