
Jennifer Lawrence Wins Independent Spirit Award

X-Men: Days of Future Past and The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence was awarded the Independent […]

and The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence was awarded the Independent Spirit Award for Best Female Lead tonight, for her performance in The Silver Linings Playbook.”I love doing independent film,” said Lawrence in her acceptance speech, thanking director David O Russell, co-star Bradley Cooper and studio honcho Harvey Weinstein “for supporting this film.”Lawrence, who will start filming soon on Days of Future Past, has signed on to play in Russell’s next two films, as well. Lawrence will return to work with Russell next for American Bulls–t [SFW language ours], an upcoming thriller about the FBI’s Abscam operation. She’ll co-star in the film with The Dark Knight‘s Christian Bale. Cooper, too, is set to star.Lawrence is widely regarded as a frontrunner for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in The Silver Linings Playbook. Lawrence has already won the SAG Award and a Golden Globe for the role.

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