
Man of Steel: New Photos of Growing Up Superman

Man of Steel: The Early Years Junior Novel by Greg Cox is now available on Google Play, and so, as […]
Man of Steel: The Early Years Junior Novel

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by Greg Cox is now available on Google Play, and so, as one would expect, some images from the book have made their way online.Luckily for everyone, these images aren’t particularly spoilery; they deal mostly in the relationships between Clark and Jonathan Kent, and a little bit with Jor-El and Lara, culminating in the shocking revelation that one day Clark will become Superman.Sorry if that ruined the film for you, there.In any event, check out the gallery below for a number of photos beginning on Krypton and heading toward the big “Maybe” conversation on the pickup truck. This is Clark Kent at his most purely Clark, before he knew anything about Krypton.I wonder if that dog’s name is Bibbo.