
Marvel’s Joe Quesada: The Netflix Shows Are My Focus

Marvel Comics Chief Creative Office Joe Quesada is apparently very actively involved with the […]

Marvel Comics Chief Creative Office Joe Quesada is apparently very actively involved with the five, upcoming Netflix series from Marvel Studios.During a “Cup o’ Joe” interview with CBR, Quesada was asked just what his job entails these days, and he admitted that much of it is done so quietly and behind the scenes that even staff members don’t know what he’s doing a lot of the time. Still, he said, right now much of his attention is focused on the Netflix shows, which begin production soon with Drew Goddard’s Daredevil.”I think right now the focal point for me is the upcoming Netflix stuff. That’s really where a lot of my attention is being directed,” Quesada said. He added when asked about Daredevil in particular that “I’ve been working very, very closely with the entire team on all levels of the show. I think everybody knows my relationship with the character of Daredevil, and how important the character is to me — not just on an emotional front, but on a professional front. How DD brought me back here to Marvel, and how instrumental he was to even me being in this particular position I’m in today. I’m very involved with the show, as well as everything that we’re doing with the Netflix shows. I’m incredibly excited, plus the dark and gritty noir world of DD and the Netflix characters, it’s kind of where I live so it naturally attracts me to begin with.”Besides Daredevil, Netflix and Marvel are producing seasons of Jessica JonesLuke Cage and Iron Fist, all of which will lead up to a street-level team-up series called The Defenders.

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