Royden Lepp, creator of Archaia’s critically-acclaimed series of Rust graphic novels, allowed fans an insight into the world of creating Rust earlier tonight via Livestream.A lot of it was just watching the process of how art can be created and moved around digitally, as Lepp essentially streamed his computer’s screen while working on a page from the upcoming third volume of the series, which was recently optioned by 20th Century Fox.While Lepp wasn’t able to say much about the movie, he did respond to fan inquiries by clarifying that it will be a live-action film, not an animated one–“and it’s ‘going well,’ he posted, with a smiley icon afterwards, likely to indicate that’s all he’s allowed to say.The movie, which was optioned over the summer, will be directed by Joe Cornish, who also adapted the graphic novel adaptation The Adventures of Tintin for director Steven Spielberg and will be one of the writers on Marvel Studios’s Ant-Man with director Edgar Wright. Cornish and Wright know each other from working together on Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead.The story follows Jet Jones, a mysterious boy with a jetpack, who appears suddenly on a farm in the days immediately following a terrible war. The series is colored in sepia, giving it the feeling of an old film serial, and features humans fighting both alongside and against robots of a variety of shapes and sizes.You can check out the video below, and skim through the comments below it to find out about Lepp’s convention schedule and some other bits and pieces of information from a brief Q&A with those watching.
Rust Movie is “Going Well,” Says Creator Royden Lepp During Livestream Event [video]
Royden Lepp, creator of Archaia’s critically-acclaimed series of Rust graphic novels, allowed fans […]