That’s all, folks! The Avengers have assembled and everyone’s inside the El Capitan, watching the movie for the first time with a live audience.And in the few hours that stand between now and the spoilers that will almost certainly begin to flood the Internet from those leaving the theater, we’ve got quite a chunk of footage to look back on, courtesy of Marvel and Harley-Davidson.Just under two hours of it, actually, and it can be seen below, but we’ll do our best to share some of the highlights for those of you who don’t want to invest as much time in the red carpet shenanigans as you eventually do in the film itself.As might be expected from a man who not only has a cameo in a movie, but in a related Dr. Pepper commercial as well, Stan Lee was on hand at the premiere. Besides getting his picture taken while riding a Harley, he was interviewed by the crew that Marvel had on the ground at the premiere. “I haven’t seen the movie yet, I can’t wait!” Lee told the crew at the scene. “I only saw my cameo, then they kicked me out of the set.”
The Avengers: Heard On The Red Carpet
That’s all, folks! The Avengers have assembled and everyone’s inside the El Capitan, watching the […]