
The Complete Flash Gordon Library To Hit Shelves Next Year

Flash Gordon fans, take note: your beloved character comic strips are being restored and brought […]

Flash Gordon fans, take note: your beloved character comic strips are being restored and brought back to life.Titan Press is publishingthe Complete Flash Gordon Library early next year.The first volume is titled “On the Planet Mongo.”Beginning with the renowned stories written and illustrations by Alex Raymond–the genius behind the hero–The Complete Flash Gordon Library will continue with the other brilliant illustrators who took the helm and ran with his creation: Austin Briggs, Mac Raboy, Dan Barry, and many more. Each page will be 11″ x 10” — specifically designed to spotlight the action-packed artistry of the creators, and each volume will feature 176 or more pages of full-color action. Volume One, “On the Planet Mongo,” will feature a foreword by renowned illustrator Alex Ross, and future installments will offer other special features revealing the secrets behind the strip and its creators.Talk about a great way to A, revisit some great history and B, introduce young audiences to stellar content.Can’t wait for volume one to hit shelves next March.

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