
The International Exchange: Dan Jurgens on JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL #4

We here at the International Exchange are very happy to bring our wacky roadshow to […]

We here at the International Exchange are very happy to bring our wacky roadshow to starting with this issue. Our good friends at The Outhouse have hosted us for three issues (check out the content archive here), and we’ll continue to provide them exclusive interview content in exchange for all their kindness, but bringing this column to the site Russ calls home these days is something we’ve wanted to do since before Booster Gold was even finished and before The Gold Exchange had even retired. Since we’ve been providing exclusive content–but not the column–to for three months and providing the column itself to The Outhouse, this really should not change much for regular readers. All of your stuff is still in all of the same places, just turned ninety degrees.This month, readers finally got to see Peraxxus in action, in all his power and brutality. We also gained a little insight into the nature of the Signalmen, which apparently don’t really belong to the villain and were (or at least could have been) much more benign in their original intent. Still, with the League largely indisposed and the UN breathing down the necks of their sponsors, things seem to be coming to a violent and desperate head in this, the penultimate chapter of the first Justice League International arc.As always, Dan Jurgens joined us to discuss the issue. As always, please note that these commentaries are meant to enhance and inform the reading experience of people who have already read the issue in question. There will be spoilers and this is your first, last and only warning on the matter. If you haven’t read the book yet, and plan to, then go do that now (you can buy it 24 hours a day on ComiXology) and come back to us.We’ll wait….Alright, then.The International Exchange: I’ve seen three or four people mention “one-punch Guy” after he got sucker-punched at the end of last issue. I’m guessing that you weren’t trying consciously to evoke that, but rather using “the badguy got a jump on him” as more of an all-purpose cliffhanger. Am I wrong?Dan Jurgens: No, you’re not wrong at all. That’s exactly how I see it.IX: Is Guy’s constant drumbeat against Booster going to be building to something between the two eventually, or is it just a way of establishing that he’s still got a bad attitude in the new setting?

Photo by Zach Roberts

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DJ: per se IX: DJ:
DJ: IX: DJ: sing  IX:
IX: DJ: IX: Cheers
IX: DJ: IX: DJ: IX: Outbreak DJ: IX: DJ: IX:  DJ:  IX: [Note: This was originally credited to Morganstern, whom I love–but credit where credit’s due] Boosterrific DJ: IX: DJ: IX: DJ: IX: Justice League International DJ: