
This Metal Version Of The Jigglypuff Song Is Incredible

If you’ve ever heard of the adorable Pokemon Jigglypuff, you are aware that he’s mostly known for […]

If you’ve ever heard of the adorable Pokemon Jigglypuff, you are aware that he’s mostly known for two things.

One, he is by far one of the most infuriating outs in Nintendo’s Smash Brothers games, as he constantly floats around the edges of the screen, just refusing to leave the arena. Two, he has the ability to put everyone to sleep with a song that contains only his name. No one said he was a talented lyricist, but he does make quite a melody.

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Jigglypuff Metal

While effective, it’s a bit plodding and a little on the boring side, though, so The One Nils decided to give Jigglypuff’s theme an aggressive makeover (via The Nerdist). To say it works is not giving it enough credit, and Nils even included a chorus of “Jigglypuff’s” throughout.

The one caveat to Nil’s version is the whole sleep inducing side effect. When Jigglypuff sings, it’s not hard to believe that people will just suddenly nod off. If someone nods off to Nil’s version, you might want to get them checked out by a doctor, because that can’t be normal.

I move that from now on this should be Jigglypuff’s standard theme music, and the cute little guy should also get a leather jacket and perhaps some tattoos (temporary of course), because if Jigglypuff is making the move from adult contemporary to metal, he needs to look the part.

You can view the full metal rendition of the song above, and you can catch more of The One Nil’s music on Youtube.