“As far as I’m concerned, Optimus Prime’s lips can go suck on the Batsuit’s nipples,” says the narrator of the popular Cinema Sins YouTube series regarding the Autobot leader suddenly having a visible mouth.It’s one of the best observations about the many, many flaws in Michael Bay’s Transformers–a movie that’s very much on everyone’s mind as Bay heads into filming #4 (in IMAX, with Stanley Tucci), planned to be his final installment as director.You can check out the video below–clocking in at over seven minutes long, it’s one of (if not THE) most “sinful” movies I’ve yet seen in the series…
Transformers: The Cinema Sins Video (You Knew It Was Coming)
‘As far as I’m concerned, Optimus Prime’s lips can go suck on the Batsuit’s nipples,’ says the […]