Spawn got a new look at the end of the latest issue of his comic, and after years of being without a ruler, somebody new sits on the throne of Hell. The twist? Due to some of the cosmic shenanigans that have happened during Hell’s years without a king, Spawn and the Scorched are seemingly left without functional powers by the end of the issue. That jives, we suppose, with a somewhat simpler look for Spawn. The version of the character we see at the end of the issue looks a lot like he did when the series started, and Al Simmons was just starting to figure out the whole “agent of Hell” thing.
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Meanwhile, the new ruler of Hell has plans that seem like they’re going to be very bad news for the rest of the world. Weird, we know — you’d think being the ruler of Hell would make you a pretty chill person!
You can see Al’s new look below.

McFarlane recently told that Spawn #351 will have a short time-jump, picking up about six months after this issue and giving fans a clearer idea of the new status quo for the world of Spawn. The throne has been vacant for literally decades, and now that it’s filled, that’s going to set some things in motion — and probably make a lot of people (and demons) pretty upset.
“We’re not just going to go, ‘Oh, okay, somebody’s on the throne,’ and then status quo,” McFarlane explained. ” Not going to be that easy. We’re just saying that there’s a cause and effect of all of this. And so now you saw leading up to #350, and then #350, you saw the cause of it, and now moving forward, you’re going to see some of the effect of it. So, again, I’ve said before, I don’t want people to have to feel like they’re obligated to buy all the books to make it all make sense. So, it’s sort of big sort of overarching thing that happens that affects everybody.”
You can get Spawn at your local comic shop today. The Final Order Cutoff for Spawn #351 is coming up on Monday, so if you want to get in on the ground floor of the new era of Spawn, you have a few days left to do it.