“She did these herself in prison. They’re stick and poke tattoos, prison-style tattoos, that you do when you don’t have a tattoo gun. She did them herself out of boredom and desperation. There’s ‘I heart Puddin’, a Joker face, a love heart, that’s obviously reflective of her time in prison.”
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That’s how Suicide Squad’s Margot Robbie describes her character Harley Quinn’s tattoo’s in the upcoming adaptation of the DC comics characters. David Ayer goes describes her performance in a Yahoo! Movies interview “I don’t know what to say other than a star is born,” Ayer says. “She’s riveting, magnetic, she is the character. I don’t recognise her out of make-up, we spend so much time together on set, I’m uncomfortable around her if she’s not in make-up.”
Harley Quinn, of course is not the only Suicide Squad character with tattoos. It’s been widely reported that Jared Leto’s taking a heavy method tact to his performance as The Joker. So I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that at least one of the many, many tattoos that his character has is real.
Costume designer Rene Fontana told Yahoo Movies!: “When we first met him, he said – look girls, I’m going to be pretty intense, I’m going to be the Joker when I come for fittings, sometimes he tried to terrify us, but we’re strong women. He was growling at us, and we’d play back.”
Read more about the Joker’s tattoo’s and what story that they will tell us about the character and the movie here.
Suicide Squad hits theaters August 5, 2016.