The Flash Recap With Spoilers: Into the Speed Force

03/14/2017 08:09 pm EDT

Tonight's episode begins with Barry telling Cisco to prepare the Breach Room as he's about to go back into the Speed Force to bring back Wally.

HR and Cisco bounce ideas off each other until they decide that they're going to build an interdimensional device that's going to be able to pull Barry back to Earth-1 should he get in trouble. Julian adds that he'll add a biological component to the outfit so that they can monitor Barry's vitals.

In the back hallway, Barry and Iris are talking when Barry notices that she is no longer wearing an engagement ring. She's calling off the engagement.

Up Next: The Flash Stars Tease Savitar's Unexpected Identity

In the Breach Room, Cisco vibes Barry into the Speed Force and he ends up in a version of the police department on another Earth, where Barry runs finds Eddie Thawne. Eddie explains that Wally is located in a prison that the future version of Barry created.

At STAR Labs, Jesse approaches Cisco about being able to track Savitar's location, because she wants to go after him. A disagreement ensues in which Cisco decides he won't help here — instead, he wants to wait until Barry and Wally escape the Speed Force.

In the "Newspaper Room," Iris admits to Joe that she thinks she may have made the wrong choice breaking off the engagement with Barry. Joe explains that she needs to look into her heart to see what she wants.

Back in the Speed Force, Eddie says that he'll let Barry find Wally and take him back if he can outrun a Time Wraith. Barry escapes down an elevator and hears a baby crying. He walks to the noise and sees Caitlin holding a crying a baby.

At STAR Labs, Julian and Cisco continue analyzing the metal Barry cut off of Savitar and despite Jesse's consistent pressuring, the rest of the team still agrees that they need to wait until Barry is back to pursue Savitar.

Back in the Speed Force, Barry tells Ronnie that he wants to sacrifice himself to save Wally and is knocked off his feet by Hunter Zolomon's Zoom. The two fight and with Zolomon pinning Barry on the ground, Ronnie tells the latter that he can't free Wally unless he's freed from his own torment. Barry then takes the device that Cisco made off his chest and sticks it into Zolomon, seemingly disintegrating him.

Barry wakes back up in another place and sees Wally behind a set of doors. When he goes to open the door, and an ice blast covers the door handle — Leonard Snart is in the Speed Force with Barry. He explains the Wally is stuck in a temporal loop and is seeing the most painful moment in his life over and over — the death of his mother.

Barry and Snart share a tense moment which ends with Snart using his cold gun to freeze Barry to the wall. Snart is about to shoot him again when Jay Garrick speeds in and knocks him out of the way.

Jessie Quick can be seen on Earth-1 suited up and she is holding the metal that Barry took from Savitar. She tells it to take it to Savitar and it flies away. She speeds through Central City following the metal and sure enough, it leads her straight to Savitar.

The two begin fighting and HR reveals he's on the Team Flash communications system. He tells Jesse she needs to look for a vulnerability in Savitar's armor and when Savitar is choking her, she stabs the metal through Savitar's neck and he speeds off.

Jay reveals to Barry that Cisco vibed to his earth to tell him what was going on and that he needed to come save Barry. The two go in the room where Wally is and they think they've rescued him. Barry and Wally begin to walk out of the room when they look back and realize that Jay is taking Wally's place in the Speed Force. Barry tries to persuade Jay otherwise, but to no avail. Jay gives Barry his winged helmet and they cross the breach back to Earth-1.

Barry tells the group that Wally needs to take a break because of his traumatic experience in the Speed Force. Wally and Jesse are seen talking and Jesse reveals to him that she's going to Earth-3 to take Jay's place as The Flash. Jesse says her goodbyes to Team Flash and Cisco vibes her to another earth.

HR shares what they learned in Jesse's encounter with Savitar — he isn't a god, he's a man and can feel pain.

At the Allen household, Barry and Iris are talking and Barry admits that he proposed only because he'd figured it'd save her. Barry then tells her the two need space moving forward. He reveals that he'll be staying with staying with Cisco and Iris walks away.

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CW's The FlashWednesday at 8PM on CW

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