'Aquaman' Movie Thanks Fans for Helping to Clean up the Oceans

Aquaman is expected to give audiences a whole new look at the ocean world, and it looks like [...]

Aquaman is expected to give audiences a whole new look at the ocean world, and it looks like they've carried that sentiment into the real world as well.

The official Twitter account for Aquaman recently released a video, which celebrates the various fans who participated in the International Coastal Cleanup that happened last month. You can check out the post below.

Some fans have considered the campaign to be pretty awesome, as it carries through the titular character's desire to conserve the ocean. As fans saw in Justice League, Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa) doesn't approve of how humans pollute the oceans, a sentiment that his half brother Orm (Patrick Wilson) will share.

"It's so rooted in the environment and that's what Orm hates," director James Wan explained earlier this year. "He hates how we treat one another, treat the planet with so little regard. And the idea here is that all the crap from the surface world literally rolls down to him and his people. And he's just sick of it."

"He's kind of an eco-warrior," Wilson echoed in another interview. "He's got a very clear gripe with the surface world, which has been polluting his oceans for centuries. And that's something for me — I'm sure for you too — that's very easy to understand. If somebody was just constantly polluting our air and ruining how we lived..."

Even with the film's love for the ocean, it sounds like Aquaman won't be shying away from some of the creepiness that lurks underneath.

"I didn't set out to make a horror movie," Wan told reporters during a set visit last year. "That's not what this is about. It just so happens that you're dealing in a world that is beautiful, magical, but at the same time, you know, scary as well. People are terrified of the ocean because they don't know what's down there. There's all these creatures that live down in the ocean that are dangerous to humans."

"I feel like the good thing about having something that isn't really established is I get the opportunity to kind of set the world, set the tone, and set the flavor for who this guy is, and the world that he lives in," Wan added. "That's what we love about superheroes, right? We love that they represent the best part of who we want to be, right? What we strive for, and what we aspire to be. And I think what I liked most about this character, and actually what Jason Momoa brings to it, is the idea that this is a guy who's kind of trapped between two worlds. He doesn't feel like he belonged in the surface world, but he doesn't feel like he belongs in the world of Atlantis as well, the underwater world."

Is Aquaman making you want to help save the oceans? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Aquaman will land in theaters on on December 21st. It will be followed by Shazam on April 5, 2019, Joker on October 4, 2019, and Wonder Woman 1984 on November 1, 2019.