Arrow Season 5 EP Reveals Neal Adams Police Sketch

Executive producer Marc Guggenheim is a lover of fan service, something Arrow fans have enjoyed [...]

Executive producer Marc Guggenheim is a lover of fan service, something Arrow fans have enjoyed about the show and the DC Comics CW universe as a whole. In the newest season, Oliver is getting a reworked costume, which gave the producers the perfect excuse to have a new wanted poster commissioned from a fan favorite artist.

Guggenheim shared the most recent sketch for the show on Twitter, which features the talented pencils of Neal Adams.

'"New Arrow costume means new police sketch. @nealadamsdotcom was kind enough to hook us up. Look for it in Arrow's 5th season premiere."

This won't be the only sketch to make an appearance in the premier either, as eagle-eyed fans will also notice a Vigilante sketch from the renowned George Perez. The sketch will be featured in the form of a police sketch during the show.

NEW BEGINNINGS — After Laurel's (Katie Cassidy) death and the departures of both Diggle (David Ramsey) and Thea (Willa Holland) from Team Arrow, Oliver (Stephen Amell) takes to the streets solo to protect Star City's citizens as the Green Arrow. With Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) guiding him from the bunker, Oliver is forced to deal with a city that has become overrun with both criminals and a slew of new (and painfully inexperienced) vigilantes. Watching Oliver try to balance his jobs as both the mayor and also the protector of Star City, Felicity suggests he form a new team, but Oliver resists. However, when a deadly new criminal, Tobias Church (guest star Chad L. Coleman), enters the picture, Oliver realizes the best thing for the city might be a new team of superheroes. Meanwhile, the flashbacks take us to Russia where Oliver faces off against the Bratva.

Arrow premieres on The CW on October 5th.