Few characters have been as delightful as Jarro, especially since he and Batman formed a sort of Father-Son dynamic in Justice League. We’ve even seen Jarro adopt an adorable Robin costume (complete with fancy hood and cape) on his adventures, and we get to see him in action yet again in this week’s Justice League #29. That said, the best moment in the book might not actually be his big action sequence. Instead, it’s a quiet moment between Jarro and Batman, and it will melt any DC fan’s heart we assure you. Spoilers incoming for Justice League #29, so if you haven’t read the issue yet you’ve been warned.
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Earlier in the issue, we see Jarro strut his stuff in a battle with the Legion of Doom, but eventually, we learn that this is actually a scenario created by Jarro, as each member of the League is entranced by his spores. Jarro is in his larger form and confronts Batman when Bats breaks free of control.
It’s revealed that Jarro had a vision that shows the League losing and being defeated, and so to keep them from that he put them in a trance and was going to hide them away from the Legion of Doom. Batman tells him that’s not winning, that’s control, and Jarro unleashes more spores. Batman tells him he is trying to control fear and that only villains do that, and Jarro tells him to shut up. When Batman says this isn’t who he is, he says Batman doesn’t know who he is.

Batman then tells him “The Hell I don’t”, and then proceeds to say that “every damn thing out here is like you. Fighting to be better than its nature.” He then puts his hand on Jarro and says “and…for what it’s worth. We’re afraid of losing you too, kiddo. I’m afraid of losing you. That’s why we’ll win.”

Jarro then shrinks back down to his normal size and Batman holds him and against his shoulder and hugs him. He then perches on Batman’s shoulder and they fill in the rest of the League on what they’re doing, preparing for war.
You can check out the sweet scene in the image above. Seriously, it’s adorable right!? Yeah, we know it is.
Justice League #29 is written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV and drawn by Bruno Redondo with colors by HI-FI and letters by Tom Napolitano. You can check out the official description below.
“Does a Starro dream of an electric Justice League? Sensing the danger to come, Jarro fears for his newfound friends. He ponders each one and their potential fate to decide whether he should mentally block them from going forward into what could be certain destruction”โthe coming war with the Legion of Doom!”
Justice League #29 is in comic stores now.