Batman/Superman Drops Major Kingdom Come Bombshell


Mark Waid as a comic book writer has been a major part of both DC and Marvel Comics for some time, helming legendary runs on books including Fantastic Four, Avengers, The Flash, and Captain America to name a few. Perhaps no comic has withstood the test of time in his career than Kingdom Come, DC’s futuristic tale that sees older versions of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman coming out of retirement to whip a new generation into shape while struggling against an unseen threat. Now, with Waid writing Batman/Superman: World’s Finest, a big piece of that universe has returned.

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Warning. If you have yet to read Batman/Superman: World’s Finest Issue #10, be forewarned that we’ll be diving into massive spoiler territory for the shocking reveal of the final page.

The newest character introduced to the DC Universe as a result of World’s Finest has been Boy Thunder, a traveler who was expelled from his planet in another reality and found himself landing on Planet Earth harboring Superman, Batman, and their fellow superheroes. With recent events seeing the young thunderer attempting to become a superhero while being trained by the Man of Steel, the Dark Knight, and the Teen Titans, he, unfortunately, found himself in the clutches of the new villainous team-up of the Joker and the Key. 

Tortured in an effort to learn the true identities of Batman and Superman, Boy Thunder was rescued by his teachers as well as the Teen Titans, flinging into a rage and burning the Clown Prince of Crime’s hands to the point that they were bubbling. Losing his cool, Boy Thunder’s true identity was revealed thanks to writer Mark Waid and artist Dan Mora, which many will find familiar from Kingdom Come, as well as his subsequent appearances in the DCU following the initial mini-series that spawned him:


In Kingdom Come, Magog was thought of as the stand-out amongst the new generation of heroes that society saw taking over for the likes of Batman and Superman, with the anti-hero killing the Joker in this alternate timeline. Magog would return, in a way, with Lance Corporal David Reid taking on the mantle, though it’s unclear whether the David that is Boy Thunder is the same character who was a part of the Justice Society for a brief time. 

What do you think of Magog’s return? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of DC.