Batman: The Animated Series Fan Makes Unbelievable Coffee Table Book

Batman: The Animated Series has had quite a couple of weeks and one fan’s hard work has people [...]

Batman: The Animated Series has had quite a couple of weeks and one fan's hard work has people remembering the title cards from the show. Nick Navarro thought it would be cool to collect all of the title cards from the series and bind them together to make a radical coffee table book. One of the best things about the show was it's Art Deco influence and use of color. Navarro's work highlights the love and care that went into even elements like the title cards from each episode. That being said, the tweet showing off his work went viral and he's not trying to get a call from Warner Bros. and DC Comics about this fan project.

On Twitter, Navarro wrote, "WB and DC please don't sue me! But this had to be done. I published a single (just for me) coffee table book of something I've wanted for years! Growing up I thought these title cards were great pieces of art and am still shocked they aren't in some kind of book. Am I alone here?"

Well, people obviously love the project and a ton of them are probably thrilled to hear that Paul Dini is returning to the DC Animated Universe in the comics with a new book. Alan Burnett and Ty Templeton, who worked on The Batman Adventures will be along for the new entry as well. The series, called Batman: The Adventures Continue, will be six-issues and digital-first. Dini sounds absolutely thrilled to be going back to that world and playing with some concepts that have become popular since Batman Beyond went off the air.

"Fans familiar with the Batman of The New Batman/Superman Adventures will be right up to speed," says Paul Dini. "Alan and I approached the writing with the idea that we were doing the season you might have seen if we had not put the series aside to do Batman Beyond.

Burnett offered, "We're going back to cover certain gaps in the original series, events that didn't have a bearing on the series at the time, but now do. In other words, there will be secret histories that will turn Batman's world upside down. Things that no one knew were out there, until now."

Batman: The Adventures Continue #1 will be available digitally in April, with the first issue hitting comic shops on May 6.