‘Black Lightning’ Recap With Spoilers: “Translucent Freak”

‘Translucent Freak’ starts Jennifer walking down the stairs — she’s going to a school dance. […]

“Translucent Freak” starts Jennifer walking down the stairs — she’s going to a school dance. Jefferson is taking a picture of Jennifer and her date when there’s a knock at the door and Kahlil walks in.

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He uses his darts to knock the entire family unconscious and he and Jennifer begin fighting Jennifer eventually uses her powers to blast Kahlil out of an upstairs window and it’s revealed that it was a training exercise set up by Perenna to help Jennifer try and control her powers.

Inspector Henderson is interrogating Tobias and tries tying the crime lord to the death of the former Freeland police officer to no avail. Henderson walks out out the interrogation rooms and is reminded by the District Attorney that Tobias needs to be charged with crimes within 48 hours or he’ll walk.

Gambi tells Jefferson about Anissa’s plans to steal from the criminal underworld to give to her pastor’s health clinic and an upset Jefferson confronts his daughter about the situation. After their argument, Anissa tells her father she’ll move out of the house by morning.

Anissa’s packing up her belongings when Jennifer walks into her room crying and the two talk.

The next morning, Jefferson and Lynn talk about the situation in bed.

Jefferson is called to the police department, where Inspector Henderson reveals that Tobias will be released. Henderson says that any evidence the police department had collected against Tobias has since disappeared. Jefferson tries convincing Henderson to let him take to the stand in front a grand jury — Jefferson wants to testify that he witnessed Tobias kill his father. Henderson doesn’t agree.

Gambi goes into his basement, where he’s hooked up the ailing Kara Fowdy to machines in order to monitor her vitals. Fowdy comes to and begs Gambi to help her — but the latter tells her that she needs to make her peace, she’s septic and the condition is only getting worse. Gambi tries using that fact to get more information about Tobias’ operations from her but Fowdy doesn’t budge.

Jefferson’s sitting in his room at school when he hears commotion in the hallway. He rushes out to split up a fight between two students. Jefferson’s able to calm down the students but Principal Lowry overhears the fight and rushes out to try and take control. Lowry instantly expels the kid who threw the first punch and suspends the other kid for a week.

Lowry leaves and Jefferson chases him down to confront him about the situation. An upset Jefferson tells Lowry he chose to remain at Garfield to give Lowry enough cover. Lowry disagrees and continues with his plans.

Anissa arrives at Gambi’s shop and informs him of the fight between her and her father. Gambi lets her stay there as long as she needs.

Lynn and Jace are working at the ASA when one of the pod kids wakes up and begins using his ice-based powers in the pod, eventually killing himself. Jace reveals she knew the kid was on the verge of waking up but chose not to save him in order to get more scientific data.

Jefferson returns home to Jennifer, who’s upset because she thinks her father threw her sister out of the house.

Tobias is transferred into a room with his business partner and an attorney. He orders his attorney to put on headphones so that he can’t hear the conversations between Tobias and the business associate. Tobias is informed that a large sum of money was taken from them and asks if they’re allowed to kill the robber. Tobias agrees.

Jennifer’s working on her laptop when her powers flare up and causes the computer to combust.

Anissa returns home to tell her father that Gambi thinks somebody is going to attack the health clinic. He accepts Anissa’s apology and agrees to help watch the clinic. Gambi analyzes the situation and tells Jefferson and Anissa that he thinks the clinic might be bombed.

At the ASA, Lynn talks to Jace while she’s performing an autopsy on the pod kid that just died. Jace reminds Lynn that all of the pod kids are going to die at some point — it’s just a matter of when, not if.

Jefferson and Anissa are staking out the clinic when they realize a woman they previously thought was pregnant walks out with no stomach. They two rush indoors and find two bombs, but are able to contain the blasts well enough they don’t cause any damage.

Meanwhile Gambi tracks down the woman and the two fight. She manages to hijack a dirtbike and escape.

The next day, Jefferson is being questioned by the district attorney on whether or not a grand jury would believe his testimony. The DA says she believes Jefferson, but an attorney cross examining him would be able to prove Jefferson lied as a child, destroying any and all credibility he has.

Jefferson goes to speak with Gambi and the two realize that Tobias is going to get off free. Jefferson refuses to let Tobias off the hook, hinting he wants to harm his father’s killer.

Later that night, Jefferson calls a family meeting to talk with Jennifer about her budding powers. Jefferson and Lynn inform Jennifer that they feel it’s unsafe for Jennifer to go back to Garfield and instead, decide to home school her.

Fowdy tries escaping Gambi’s basement, but collapses. She realizes that Gambi was telling the truth earlier and before she passes, she gives Gambi her phone, which supposedly has the whereabouts of Tobias and Proctor’s brief case.

The episode ends with Tobias being released from prison. On his way out, he tells the media that he plans on becoming an upstanding member of society and wants to help find the person responsible for killing Alvin Pierce.