DC has provided ComicBook.com with an exclusive first look at DCeased #6, the final issue in Tom Taylor’s blockbuster superhero-zombie series, undertaken with a murderer’s row of DC art talent. In the final issue, which hits the stores on October 30, “humanity is on the brink of extinction, and only a few remaining members of the Justice League stand between life and annihilation. As the remnants of humanity make their last gamble for survival, will there even be a planet left to call home when all is said and done?” You can check out the specs below (final order cutoff for the book is next Monday) and the images in the attached gallery.
Videos by ComicBook.com
DCeased has been one shocking moment after another, from Damian Wayne taking over as Batman to cities being destroyed and heroes turned bad. The (presumably) alternate-reality title has been a fun ride and for the most part, fans and reviewers have responded strongly to what DC calls Taylor’s “brutal blockbuster.” ComicBook.com’s review of the first issue said “all signs point to this becoming an instant classic and a memorable addition to the zombie subgenre.”
It’s hard to see how DCeased can pull out of the tailspin of bleakness at this point; but then again, that is *the* point of the story, in a lot of ways. Taylor’s DC Universe version of a zombie apocalypse is designed to be a story of how the Justice League face a calamity they cannot stop, while using that dark frame to explore a more “human” side of the characters than we’ve seen in awhile.

DCeased #6
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Trevor Hairsine, Neil Edwards and Stefano Guadiano
Cover art by Mark Brooks
Variant cover art by Francesco Mattina and Yasmin Putri
In Shops: Oct 30, 2019
Final Orders Due: Oct 07, 2019
SRP: $4.99