Green Lantern: Geoff Johns to Produce New HBO Max Series

Geoff Johns is set to produce a new Green Lantern HBO Max series. His company Mad Ghost [...]

Geoff Johns is set to produce a new Green Lantern HBO Max series. His company Mad Ghost Productions listed the project on their website along with a lot of the other CW/HBO Max/DC Universe shows. Last year, the project got announced by Wanermedia for their upcoming streaming serviced, but now more details are being made concrete. DC TV producer Greg Berlanti and Berlanti Productions are going to be heavily involved. Two different Lanterns are set to be featured along with series favorite villain Sinestro. Both Berlanti and Johns know a ton about the Green Lantern mythos and each seems eager to get the ball rolling on the new show.

Johns has hinted in the past that there was some more non-comics Green Lantern work coming. In fact last year he mentioned, "It's a really exciting year to have Doomsday Clock finished up," Johns explained. "I'm doing more comics. Stargirl trailer's out. Wonder Woman's on its way. And a lot of work with Green Lantern outside comics that hopefully you'll hear about soon."

He's pulling double duty with the character as he was polishing up a movie script based around the corps last year. It can feel like he has his hands all over the corners of the DC TV universe

"You look at everything that worked and didn't work, on anything," Geoff Johns, said while penning the most recent version of the Green Lantern Corps movie treatment. "Like revamping a character, reintroducing a character, I've done it a lot. The creative kind of viewpoint and way into the character and rebooting and changing it and reintroducing it, is informed by everything. It's informed by comics and both what works and what doesn't work. I don't wanna spoil any of the story there, but if people liked my run on Green Lantern, then hopefully they'll like what I'm doing."

"And right now, look, I'm just writing a script, and hopefully this script gets into a place where Warner Bros., and DC, Walter and everybody — [once] they're really excited about it, when we get that right, then we'll move ahead on the project," Johns continued. "But we gotta get it right."

Are you excited about the Green Lantern series? Have you enjoyed Johns' work with the characters in the past? Let us know down in the comments!