With the DC Extended Universe in full swing, fans are always thinking about what could be next. Whether it’s casting for the Batman solo film, or plot ideas for Man of Steel 2, there is always a new rumour or dream that finds its way around the Internet.
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As if the rumour mill wasn’t already working overtime, the production of Justice League has gossip at an all time high. Whenever an actor appears in the same city as the set, or follows a producer on Twitter, the simplest of coincidences give way to total uproar.
The latest of these dream-castings involves WWE superstar, Roman Reigns, as Lobo.
Lobo is an intergalactic mercenary in the world of DC comics. He has appeared as a villain for numerous superheroes, and always brings the party along with him.
Much like Marvel characters Cable, Deadpool, and Wolverine, Lobo is a property that has been directed more towards adult audiences. Between his violence, and vulgarity, fans have always enjoyed reading Lobo’s appearances, as well as his stand-alone series.
It’s also worth mentioning that Stan Lee has cited Lobo as his favorite character in DC comics.

Roman Reigns has the attitude to match the mercenary, but his looks are what really set him apart for the role. When put side-by-side, the two look nearly identical.
Artist BossLogic took this popular idea and decided to fan the flame. In this tweet, the artist gave us all a taste of what Roman could look like as the popular character.
Currently watching The Royal Rumble – @WWERomanReigns Lobo @WWE #RoyalRumble pic.twitter.com/d2vLSmDnPB
โ BossLogic (@Bosslogic) January 25, 2016
Between the immense popularity garnered by Roman Reigns, and the success Deadpool, this seems like a fan idea that could become much closer to reality.
Take a look through the gallery to see some of BossLogic’s other great fan art.