James Gunn Breaks Silence on Saving Legends of Tomorrow and Releasing the Ayer Cut

It was recently announced that James Gunn and Peter Safran have been tapped as the co-chairs and co-CEOs of DC Studios, a new entity formed to replace the struggling DC Films. Of course, Gunn has already helmed The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker for DC, so fans are excited to see what he will do for the company now that he has an even bigger role. Gunn is pretty active on Twitter, so it's no surprise that DC fans are also hitting him up with requests and suggestions about the direction of DC. The director addressed some of the ideas on the site, including saving Legends of Tomorrow after it was canceled and releasing the "Ayer Cut" of David Ayer's Suicide Squad

"Opened up Twitter at the end of a long, creative weekend to see the many tweets to #SaveLegendsofTomorrow & #ReleaseTheAyerCut & fan support for other DC projects over the years. The majority of these requests were enthusiastic & respectful," Gunn wrote. "As the new (& first ever) CEOs of DC Studios, Peter & I think it's important we acknowledge you, the fans, & let you know we hear your different desires for the pathways forward for DC. Although our ability to interact on Twitter has been lessened due to the workload of our new positions, we are listening & open to everything as we embark on this journey, & will continue to do so for the next few years."

Gunn continued, "But all our initial focus is on the story going forward, hammering out the new DCU, & telling the Biggest Story Ever Told across multiple films, television shows, & animated projects. We invite all of the DC fandoms from across the multiverse – and everyone else as well – into this new universe. We can't wait to reveal more." You can check out his thread here.

Do James Gunn and David Ayer Get Along?

Last year, Gunn helmed The Suicide Squad and while it featured some of the same characters from Ayer's 2016 Suicide Squad, it wasn't considered a sequel. Ayer has been very open about wanting Warner Bros. to release his version of the film and some fans were curious if the director was upset that Gunn got the chance to reboot some of his characters. However, Gunn and Ayer have always been friendly on social media, and they reconfirmed that respect earlier this year. The non-drama started when Gunn liked a tweet that was defending Pete Davidson, who appeared in The Suicide Squad. However, the tweet also took a dig at Ayer's movie. When someone took a screenshot of Gunn's like and tweeted, "This is why I dislike James Gunn," Gunn shot back with an explanation that caught Ayer's attention and reaffirmed their good relationship. You can read the interaction here.

What are you hoping to see from DC now that James Gunn and Peter Safran have bigger roles? Tell us in the comments!