Constantine is about to make a comeback, and fans ready to see the hero return to the small screen. Earlier today, ComicBook reported the occult detective will star in multiple episodes of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow next season. And, now, the show’s producer has confirmed a major bit about John Constantine‘s sexuality.
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In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Phil Klemmer opened up about Constantine’s return and his TV return. It was there the executive producer said the character is bisexual.
“As for the character of Constantine, we knew that an alienated, chain-smoking, bisexual, world-weary demonologist would feel right at home among our Legends,” Klemmer explained.
For fans, Constantine’s sexuality has been little discussed in the live-action realm; However, comic readers will know the character has been represented as queer in the canon. Back in 2002, it was first revealed in Ashes & Dust in the City of Angels that Constantine had been in a romantic relationship with another man. DC Comics and Vertigo backed off from further exploration afterward, but Hellblazer #1 brought back the idea when Constantine flirted hard with a burly barista.
Fans had hoped Constantine would exhibit his bisexuality in NBC’s since-cancelled series, but they were out of luck. The show’s producer David Cerone was asked once if the hero would be queer, and the executive said there were no plans for such representation.
“In those comic books, John Constantine aged in real time. Within this tome of three decades [of comics] there might have been one or two issues where he’s seen getting out of bed with a man,” Cerone said. “So [maybe] 20 years from now? But there are no immediate plans.”
If you are curious about how Constantine will fit into Legends of Tomorrow next season, then you are in luck. Klemmer did give a short rundown of the hero’s two-part appearance which you can read below:
“His appearance in episode 310 will involve the following: a revisiting of Arrow season four and the events following that season’s finale episode; a confrontation with this season’s Big Bad on Legends — the name we’ve only heard whispered until now Mallus; some hot sex — something that has been in short supply on the Waverider thus far in season three; and Damien Darhk (Neil McDonough), because how can you do an episode about dark magic and not have Damien Darhk? More than anything, the episode promises to be scary as you know what — tonally it’s The Exorcist meets One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Demonic possession in a mental institution, what’s not to love?”
Klemmer does mention that “some hot sex” is in store for the hero’s episodes, so fans might just get to see more of Constantine – and his sexuality – than they bargained for when The CW series returns.
Legends of Tomorrow returns on October 10th.