“Dancing Queen” kicks off with a younger Queen Elizabeth partying at a 1970s London concert.
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In present day, the Legends determine the incident caused the Queen to be institutionalized, causing a massive anachronism in England and they head back to 1970s London.
Sara, Zari, Mick, and John go into a concert hall in an attempt to speak with a band called The Smell but an all-out brawl breaks out. The band escapes and hijacks the Legends van, which is being driven by Ray.
Ray tells the team he’s found the band’s hideout and Sara tells him he needs to be their “inside man,” pretending to be a punk so that he can blend in. Mick and John fight about the concert hall earlier and Constantine storms off.
Nate starts his desk job at the Time Bureau and nearly instantly regrets his decision.
Ray begins his mission of integrating into the band and starts finding out information about events they’re trying to plan.
Back at the Time Bureau, Nate tries convincing Gary to give him a mission that’s off the books. Initially hesitant, Gary warms up to the idea after Nate calls them “Time Bros.”
Ray and the band go out to a local park where the tell Ray he has to steal one of the queen’s dog. With some help from Sara, Ray’s able to steal one of the corgis and take it back to the van โ the group speeds off.
The Smell and Ray are watching the TV later that night when a news report comes across saying they’ve located the stolen corgi at a local dog shelter. To celebrate, the band gives Ray a matching tattoo and while he’s getting inked, they reveal they’re going to force the Queen to hand over her precious jewels.
Constantine’s drinking at a local pub when Zari walks up to the bar and the two chat.
Nate and Gary travel back to 760,000 BC and start walking through a jungle. The two begin sharing their relationship problems when they’re tracked down by a sabretooth tiger. They’re able to escape back to the Time Bureau without harm.
Ray meets up with Mick to tell him the band’s leader โ Charlie โ appears to be the magic-wielding one of the group.
Constantine reveals to Zari that he just met his mother for the first time as she died in childbirth. Zari then realizes that his mom’s the bartender at the pup and his father is one of the patrons. Constantine gets in a fight and he and Zari get kicked out of the pub.
Nate arrives the Bureau the next day to find out that Gary had solved the mission by himself and Gary gifts him a unique plant from the time era they just got back from.
Ray and Charlie are talking back at their hideout and Charlie reveals what’s magic about herself – she’s a shapeshifter that’s able to adopt the look of anyone she wants to. Ray relays the information to the team and they want him to bring Charle in.
Ray, having feelings for Charlie, refuses and the Legends descend on the band’s hideout. Ray starts fighting the Legends. Suddenly Ray wakes up and it’s revealed that Charlie’s pretending to be Ray.
The team tracks Charlie down and nearly sends her to Hell until Charlie takes the form of Amaya and the group decides to talk the situation over on the Waverider. Upset they didn’t send her back to Hell, Constantine hexes Charlie, not allowing to change out of her current shape โ Amaya.
Back on the Waverider, the group imprisons Charlie in the same prison they held Nora and Damien Darhk in last season. In an argument with Sara, Ray reveals to the team that he helped Nora escape from the Time Bureau.
Sara goes to visit Nate at the Time Bureau headquarters, begging him to come back to the team. Nate tells Sara that he wanted to leave the team because everything on the Waverider reminded him of Amaya. Not wanting to expose him to Charlie, Sara lets Nate stay at his office job.
Zari approaches a drunken Constantine and gives him a photo of him and his mom from the pub’s security camera.