After Barry Allen’s evil mirror duplicates were the central antagonists of the first two seasons of The Flash, and then Barry himself terrorized season 3, it seems as though Game of Thrones actor Miltos Yerolemou came fairly close to being the big bad in the forthcoming fourth season of the show.
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The character, generally assumed to be The Thinker, is apparently “really smart” and a “fast talker,” according to reader Cody Legens, who passed along to Yerolemou’s recollections from a recent spotlight panel at Nashville’s Con of Thrones.
Yeromelou, who also had a minor role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens told an audience, per our e-mail tip, that he “read to be The Flash‘s next ‘Big Bad’ and the tagline was something along of the lines of ‘The Fastest Man Alive vs. The Fastest Brain Alive.’ He also said the role wasn’t really for him as an actor. The casting director/showrunner gave him three pages of random Roman trivia to memorize and spit back out. Apparently this new ‘Big Bad’ is a fast talker. Really smart.”
When Abra Kadabra was talking to The Flash about his most dangerous foes, he rattled off a number of familiar names, including Zoom and Eobard Thawne…and one less-familiar one (at least to the TV audience): “DeVoe.”
Longtime comic book readers would recognize that name: Clifford DeVoe is a longtime Flash and Titans villain better known as The Thinker.
Created in 1943, The Thinker is one of The Flash’s earliest villains. Originally a foe to Jay Garrick, DeVoe battled three generations of Flashes before his death in The Flash #134 in 1998. After his death, though, his brain patterns were used to create an AI that went on to become an antihero.
The Thinker was a tech-enhanced villain, utilizing a number of high-tech gadgets along with a group of cronies. The most significant of his toys was his “Thinking Cap,” a metal hat that could project mental force. A replica of the Cap was key in bringing his virtual self back from the grave.
Over the years, he eventually joined the Suicide Squad — something we’re of course unlikely to see on TV right away. Both before that — and then again after, when he fell off the “reformed supervillain” wagon and went fully bad again — he was a member of the Injustice Society, often serving alongside The Shade, a character who has been seen on The Flash already.
The Flash returns on Tuesday, October 12, at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.
Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) lived a normal life as a perpetually tardy C.S.I. in the Central City Police Department. Barry’s life changed forever when the S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator exploded, creating a dark-matter lightning storm that struck Barry, bestowing him with super-speed and making him the fastest man alive — The Flash. But when Barry used his extraordinary abilities to travel back in time and save his mother’s life, he inadvertently created an alternate timeline known as Flashpoint; a phenomenon that gave birth to the villainous speed god known as Savitar, and changed the lives of Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Wally West (Keiyan Lonsdale) forever.
With the help of his adoptive father, Joe West (Jesse L. Martin), his lifelong best friend and love interest Iris West (Candice Patton), and his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs — Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes), C.S.I Julian Albert (Tom Felton), and an Earth-19 novelist named H.R. Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) — Barry continues to protect the people of Central City from the meta-humans that threaten it.
Based on the characters from DC, THE FLASH is from Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti (“Arrow,” “Supergirl”), Andrew Kreisberg (“Arrow,” “The Flash”), Sarah Schechter (“Arrow,” “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”) and Todd Helbing (“Black Sails”).
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