Supergirl EPs Call 100th Episode "a Family Reunion"

Tonight's episode of Supergirl was a significant one for The CW series. The episode, 'It's a Super [...]

Tonight's episode of Supergirl was a significant one for The CW series. The episode, "It's a Super Life" marked the milestone 100th episode for the Arrowverse series, but it also was a milestone for the show in another way. The episode saw Kara take on the matter of her and Lena's friendship and how it crumbled with the revelation of Kara's Supergirl identity. As part of this exploration, Kara, with the help of everyone's favorite 5th dimensional imp Mxyzptlk, got to revisit key moments from the past that meant the return of several familiar faces from previous seasons, something the showrunners likened to a family reunion of sorts.

Head's up, mild spoilers for "It's a Super Life", below.

In an interview with, Jessica Queller and Robert Rovner opened up about the guest appearances in the episode and talked about how, at the core, it all felt very much like family.

"Well, it did feel like a family reunion with all of our guest casts back," Queller said. "It was wonderful to have Chris Wood and Odette [Annable] and Jeremy [Jordan] and Sam Witwer. Jeremy definitely is like a brother to these characters and also to the actors. And so it was thrilling that he was able to do it and very warm. But, it felt more like a family reunion to us I think."

Rovner explained that the idea of family was very much how the episode was framed, both in terms of the core characters and the returning characters who, like a family, come and go but are never really gone.

"But we didn't want to send, and one of the reasons we framed the episode with Supergirl, with Kara, Alex and J'onn was, at the heart of the show, that's our family, and so that felt very familial to us when they're sitting on the couch at the end of the episode together, toasting with French fries," Rovner said. "It's about this family that they've created together. And so it's nice. I think what's lovely about our show is that even when people leave, there's always a place for them to come back and it's like a family reunion. Reconnect with us and then go off to live their own lives. So, they're never forgotten."

That was especially true in the case of Annable's return as Sam Arias/Reign. The character had such a big part of the season three storyline and was very close to all the central characters, something that Rovner said made it exciting for her to return.

"I think Sam was a beloved member of their family for season three, and Reign was an imposing villain for season three," he explained. "And a lot of the friendships that developed between Kara and Lena developed over the seasons two and three. So it felt inherent to the storytelling that [she was] part of this. And we were very excited that she was able to come back."

What did you think of the guest star returns for tonight's Supergirl? Let us know in the comments below.