Supergirl Star Nicole Maines Teases More Dreamer Comics

Supergirl may have come to a close on Tuesday night with the two-hour series finale event, but that doesn't necessarily mean the story is over, at least for one of the Super Friends. On Wednesday, Nia Nal/Dreamer actress Nicole Maines took to Twitter to share a photo of what appears to be her hands in Dreamer's costume typing the beginning of a comic story featuring Nia. The official DC Comics Twitter account is tagged in the photo.

While there hasn't been any official announcement, the photo seems like a tease that there will be more Dreamer comics to come, seemingly with Maines writing them. Earlier this year, Maines brought her take on Dreamer from the small screen to comics with a Dreamer-centric story in the DC Pride anthology one-shot. At the time, Maines said that she was "having a blast" further putting her stamp on the Dreamer character.

"I've kind of become drunk on my own power, I'm not gonna lie," Maines revealed. "I'm kind of like, "I AM DREAMER." I keep having to remind myself I am not actually a superhero in real life. I said I love Dreamer's superpowers, and with the comic, I've maybe sprinkled in a few new things in there for fun. I'm having such a blast. Although I'm worried I may have made her a "Mary Sue," but you know what? Superman has super strength, super speed, heat vision, X-ray vision, frost breath, super hearing, invulnerability, he can survive in space, he can fly, and he's bulletproof, so I don't care. Trans folks have one person, so Dreamer can do whatever she wants."

Since Maines' Dreamer debut on Supergirl, the fan-favorite Dreamer has had major impact on transgender representation, something that hasn't been lost on Maines.

"We can do and can be whoever we want," Maines said in part. "The bar is now set very, very high, because if you can be a superhero, you can be anything. It's like, 'Well, if I can be a superhero, everything else is very easily within reach.' So, that's what I hope people take away from seeing Nia. Also, for folks who are not trans, I hope they learn from me that trans people are more than what's in our pants. We are more than our trauma. We're more than our gender. We are just fully-fledged superheroes, who have an arc outside of our transness."

Do you want to see Dreamer return in comics? What did you think of Dreamer's arc in Supergirl? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.