In case you can’t wait for the fifth season of The Flash to premiere on The CW later this Fall, some fan art has surfaced recently and it’s sure to whet your appetite.
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The amazing video — which was created by YouTube user CrimsonedRenz — features Barry Allen take on Reverse Flash, a war we’ve time and time again on the show. The seven-minute video, which can be seen in entirety above, is some of the more brilliant fan works we’ve seen and should please any fans of the Scarlet Speedster.
With the fifth season currently in production, The Flash star Grant Gustin has high hopes for the season five premiere.
“I’ve been comparing it to our pilot,” Gustin told reporters at Comic Con. “I think it’s our best [season premiere] since our pilot. We’ve got an action sequence in it that’s something straight out of the comics, that when I read in 2013 while I was shooting Arrow and dreaming of stuff we could do someday on Flash — we’re doing something i never though we’d be able to do….I don’t want to speak too soon, but I think it could be our best season. It’ll be what Flash should be.”
As far as season five goes, Team Flash is set to face Cicada, the new big bad played by American Pie alum Chris Klein. At San Diego Comic-Con earlier this summer, The CW’s version of Cicada was described as “a grizzled, blue-collar everyman whose family has been torn apart by metahhumans, Cicada now seeks to exterminate the epidemic — one metahuman at a time.”
This marks the second straight season where the main villain isn’t a speedster, something show leadership thinks is necessary at this point in time.
“It is nice to have a villain that we can change up what Barry’s obstacle and the team’s obstacles are, and how to take somebody down.” executive producer Todd Helbing told after the Season 4 finale. “The Thinker, DeVoe, [was] a lot of fun and we certain see the benefits of doing that. Having a meta that isn’t a speedster and the new ways that we can pose challenges for those guys is fun. So I think for next season, it’s certainly not going to be a speedster.”
The fifth season of The Flash will debut on Tuesday, October 9th, at 8/7c on The CW.