Now that the identity of Savitar has finally been revealed, it’s time for Barry and the team to figure out how to beat him. Let’s be honest, this is an opponent they all know well.
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In Barry’s most daunting task yet, he must defeat the alternate version of himself. Whether this new Barry-Tar came from the future, the Flashpoint, or somewhere in between, it’s evident that this guy is more-than-dangerous.
In the first photos from the next episode, titled ‘Cause and Effect‘, the team is busy coming up with a game plan. Barry, Iris, HR, Wally, and Cisco have gone back to the drawing board, but they seem to have a new face joining them.
In many of these photos, Killer Frost is standing amongst the group in STAR Labs. You would think she’d be trying to defeat The Flash while she has an opportunity, but everything seems to be civil.
At least, that’s how these photos are making it seem.

‘Cause and Effect’ is the second-to-last episode in the third season of The Flash, and it will air on Tuesday May 9, on The CW.
More The Flash news:
- Why Harrison Wells Could Be Savitar on The Flash
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- The Flash Gets an Easter Egg Right in the Title As Time Runs Out to Save Iris