The Flash‘s sixth season has some pretty epic significance on its shoulders, as the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover event looms closer and closer. The event is expected to navigate a massive part of the Arrowverse’s multiverse, including characters from other live-action DC properties such as Smallville, Birds of Prey, Black Lightning, and even the 1960s Batman series. While the films and television shows that exist within the Arrowverse’s multiverse are kind of ever-evolving, the latest episode of The Flash confirmed some major details — and even acknowledged a surprising character in the process. Obviously, spoilers for this week’s episode of The Flash, “A Flash of the Lightning” below! Only look if you want to know!
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The episode saw Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) coming to terms with the message he received from The Monitor (LaMonica Garrett), which revealed that he needed to die in the coming “Crisis” in order for billions of people to live. Barry initially doubted whether or not that was the case, and attempted to investigate by time-traveling to the day after he was supposedly set to die. Barry was quickly hit by antimatter once he did so, which prompted him to visit Jay Garrick (John Wesley Shipp) on Earth-3.
While there, Jay told Barry that he had spent a year tracking the spread of dark matter throughout the multiverse, and showcased a map of the Earths he had discovered thus far. The map featured annotations from Jay, which ranged from the Earths that have the best vegan food and tequila, to which superheroes call which Earth home. Towards the top of the list, next to the Earths 32, 4, and 260, were the words “Thaddeus Brown”.

For fans of the Fourth World corner of DC Comics, this name probably raised some eyebrows, as it refers to the man who was the first to hold the mantle of Mister Miracle. In the comics, Thaddeus was a prolific escape artist in the circus, alongside his faithful assistant, Oberon. Thaddeus regularly served as a mentor for young men, most notably Scott Free, a member of the New Gods, After Thaddeus was killed by an Intergang operative, Scott decided to avenge his mentor’s death, taking on the mantle of Mister Miracle and also carrying on as a stunt performer.
The Flash’s mention of Thaddeus serves as the most prominent reference that the Arrowverse has had yet to the New Gods corner of the DC Universe (Damien Darhk’s almost-Mother Box notwithstanding). And while there’s certainly no indication that this means Thaddeus or anyone tied to New Gods could make their way into the Arrowverse, it still serves as a pretty intriguing name-drop either way. In a week where both Wonder Woman and Robin were recently confirmed to exist on Earth-1, and with the “Crisis” cast-list continuing to grow, the reference showcases just how far the Arrowverse has expanded.
What do you think of The Flash referencing Thaddeus Brown? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.