The Suicide Squad: Storm Reid Calls James Gunn a Genius After Screening

While fans eagerly wait for The Suicide Squad to hit theaters, the cast of James Gunn's DC Comics [...]

While fans eagerly wait for The Suicide Squad to hit theaters, the cast of James Gunn's DC Comics debut film has already been treated to a special screening before its premiere in theaters and on HBO Max. Gunn himself already teased The Suicide Squad contains some of the biggest action sequences he's ever concocted in his career, including an epic scene featuring Margot Robbie as an unleashed Harley Quinn. And with movie theaters beginning to reopen across the United States and in other markets, many are stressing the movie should be seen in theaters.

Actress Storm Reid was recently treated to a screening of The Suicide Squad and echoed the praise of her co-star Mayling Ng. Check out what Reid had to say below:

Reid's compliment for Gunn is not unlike what others have said who have worked with the director. Robbie praised his approach when it came to how they handled Harley Quinn and Gunn's own commitment to the source material.

"I can tell you that it's going to be incredible," Robbie said to Rotten Tomatoes. "And again, it's just interesting to see what a different filmmaker makes of Gotham and these characters and Harley, really. I'm fascinated by what James Gunn finds interesting in her compared to what [Birds of Prey director] Cathy [Yan] finds interesting, compared to what [Suicide Squad director] David [Ayer] found interesting about her. [James is] such a comic book lover, so it's going to be rooted in the source material, which is always important to me."

Gunn himself praised Robbie's approach to Harley Quinn. While addressing the aforementioned stunt, Gunn was enthusiastic about the actress' abilities on the set.

"She can do anything," Gunn explained. "Or I thought she could do anything. And then one day she had to sing and I said, 'OK, well you can do everything but one thing.' But she's such a great actress. She embodies the character. She's able to do the comedy. She's able to do the drama. And physically, she is a pure athlete and is able to do these stunts in such a graceful, magnificent, beautiful way. And so I wrote the biggest action scene I've ever done all around (Robbie's character) Harley, and it was so fun to create just on every level from working with the stunt guys all the way through to working with her. It's probably my favorite four minutes of film I've ever shot before."

The Suicide Squad premieres in theaters and on HBO Max on August 6th.