The newly revamped League of Legends honor format seems to have reignited some interest in what was once a seldom-touched aspect of League, but with all the changes that it brought on, some players are still a bit unsure of the finer details related to the honor system, specifically when it comes to honoring your teammates.
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A thread was recently opened on the League of Legends boards where a player raised the same question once more about honoring premades, this time referencing the honor Q&A that was released not long after the new honor system went live. The player posted an excellent point that many players can likely relate to regarding how often premades are formed in League.
According to the Q&A, there doesn’t seem to be much point in throwing honors at your premades. The full text of the question and answer that Riot posted on the FAQ page addressing premades and honor can be seen below:
Can I game the system and boost to level 5 by constantly playing with a premade and honoring each other every game?
That’s a great idea. Luckily, we’ve broken a few systems in our day, too. So we specifically built Honor so potential exploits like this give you (and your friend) literally no benefit.
The user who posted the recent question about honor mentioned that they almost always play in premades or 2-3 people, so of course they’d want to give honor to their friends. But the “literally no benefit” statement certainly makes it seem fruitless, so will it actually do anything, or is it just a wasted vote?
“That question and answer was more geared toward increasing one’s honor level,” Riot DuckCurry responded today.
According to the Rioter, honoring premades will still grant the following benefits:
- “It may make them feel good.”
- A loading screen flair granted from two or more premade honors.
- It contributes to the honor bonus that everyone gets it the whole team votes.
DuckCurry also clarified that honor doesn’t degrade and advised against tossing honors to other players instead of honoring those within your premade. While those responses don’t precisely answer the poster’s questions about how the value of the vote is altered, this is by no means the first thread to appear about the topic, so more information will likely come as the honor system continues to be refined and improved.