It’s hard to believe that we’ve been playing Horizon Zero Dawn on the PlayStation 4 for over a year now. It just seemed like yesterday that we posted the review for the game, and talked about what a wonderful adventure the game is – and how it’s a testament to a new character on the scene, the powerful Aloy.
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But, along with posting some great sales numbers for the game, the developers at Guerrilla Games have opted to celebrate in a rather interesting way, racking up a number of statistics for the game, from the weapons that have been fired to the number of enemies that have been killed – and there’s been a lot of each.
The chart can be seen in full below, but here’s some of the more interesting stats we’ve pulled from the report:
Most Fired Weapons
- Bows- 359.5 million arrows
- Slings- 61.7 million bombs
- Tripcasters- 24.2 million wires
- Ropecasters- 9.7 million ropes
- Rattlers- 3.6 million bolts
- Tearblaster- 2 million charges
- Icerail- 668,000 shots
Deadliest Machines
- 9 million Bellowback kills
- 2 million Thunderjaw kills
- 9 million Sawtooth kills
Shards Collected
- 194 billion – approximately 26 shards for every human on Earth
Plants Collected
- 7 billion Ridgewood plants
- 574 million Corruption Glaze plants
- 535 million Fire Kiln Root plants
Lives Spared
- 89 percent of players spared Olin
- 54 percent of players did not fight Nil
Machine Overrides
- Strider- 57.5 million overrides
- Watcher- 51 million overrides
- Broadhead- 35.1 million
As for the most creatures killed, there’s a whole grid for that at the bottom of the image, so you can see what posed the least challenge – and what required a whole lot of work to bring down.

The fact that Guerrilla Games was able to piece together all of these statistics individually is really stunning, as it shows just how far players have dug into the game, and what all they’ve managed to get done within it. It sold quite a few copies, and will probably continue on that trend, as players are still discovering just how great Horizon Zero Dawn is – especially with the new The Frozen Wilds expansion.
As far as what’s next for Guerrilla, it’s unknown at this time – though we’ll likely get some sort of hint in just a few months at Sony‘s E3 presentation. Fingers crossed for a sequel!
Horizon Zero Dawn is available now for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro.
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