Destiny 2: Bungie Announces New Comic Dedicated to Ana Bray

Bungie has recently announced the incredible new expansion coming soon to Destiny 2 that many fans [...]

Bungie has recently announced the incredible new expansion coming soon to Destiny 2 that many fans of the franchise since the first game's release have been waiting for. Finally, after many lore teasers and hints, we get to see the famed Guardian Ana Bray in action with a new map, new foes, and a huge piece to the overall lore puzzle uncovered. Just like Destiny 2's first expansion, Osiris, Warmind will be receiving a companion comic as well that will offer a secondary experience into some of the moments we don't get to see in-game. The best part? It's completely free!

ana bray warmind
(Photo: Bungie)

The new comic will be written by Mark Wait (Dr. Strange) and David Rodriguez (Warmind), with inking by Runaways' Kris Anka. The free webcomic is available quite yet, though the creative team has assured us that it will still be releasing this week to coincide with the expansion's release.

As far as what Warmind has to offer players, we know we're going to Mars with the latest expansion and it is very similar to that of the first game in the MMO series. But Warmind isn't trying to be a copy and paste experience from the first game, it takes us deeper than ever before into the Red Planet near a significantly icier part of this world. We also saw more in detail about the single-player adventure regarding the Warmind Rapsutin, which is an incredibly intelligent AI that has been centric to Destiny lore since the very beginning.

For a little backstory of Ana, the rumored love interest of Rasputin, and Clovis Bray:

Ana Bray was a Guardian and to learn more about her, those secrets are hidden deep within the lore surrounding Destiny. The name Bray brings forth memories of Clovis Bray, a human who witnessed the Golden Age and founded the Mars incorporation. If you've played the Rise of Iron narrative, then you're already familiar with his company. But his true legacy, that of Clovis Bray, lies within the creation of SIVA: a nanotech that became a plague to those players that took part in Rise of Iron and within the Cosmodrome.

Where as Clovis had his downfalls and less than flattering historical light, the same cannot be said for Ana. She was a Guardian that became a legend in her own right when she defended the City during the Collapse. This Hunter fought valiantly, more so during the Battle of Twilight Gap. That place of battle became a focus point for the Fallen as they organised underneath the House of Kings leadership for a drastic push against the people. This very battle was the one to cement Ana's title as hero, and later led to the a mounting victory for the Guardians.

Warmind drops for Destiny 2 May 8th.