Cyberpunk 2077 Private E3 2018 Demo Audio Leaked

During E3 2018, select media was invited to an hour long demo with CD Projekt RED to demo their [...]

cyberpunk 3 (1)

During E3 2018, select media was invited to an hour long demo with CD Projekt RED to demo their upcoming RPG, Cyberpunk 2077. We were lucky enough to be invited - and let's just say, we were blown away. Unfortunately, capture nor recording wasn't allowed but it seems that one attendee didn't get the memo. That, or they just didn't care.

We've covered what was in the demo itself quite a bit since E3 concluded, maybe you've even seen our masterpost about our hands-on impressions. But in case you wanted to hear it for yourself, and hear V's voice acting in all of its glory, you can listen to two different audio tracks here, courtesy of DSO Gaming.

Warning before you listen, which is something we've notated in our previous coverage as well. CD Projekt RED has been very clear that this is an adult-themed game with nudity, sex, violence, drugs, and yes - even rock n roll. Because of that, you will hear swearing in the audio files. If for some reason that offends you, please proceed to audio file with caution.

Now that the legal jargon is out of the way, let's gush!

Any time I've mentioned Cyberpunk 2077 to anyone, the most common reaction I get is a knee jerk comparison to that of The Witcher 3. Understandable, given that both are RPGs and both are made by CD Projekt RED, but really - the comparisons should stop there. Geralt of Rivia's story in The Witcher was, to an extent, pre-set. You can't customize him and he has a purpose. Cyberpunk 2077 is total freedom. From the colour of your hair, to the gender of choice - and every romance option you can think imaginable. The stats are also totally customizable, as well as backstory and how the world around reacts to the player.

This comparison is also a huge reason why there was such a negative reaction to the game being primarily in the First Person. Vi isn't slaying wyvvern, they're slaying thugs. Working from the bottom up in the criminal underground is no easy task. Players will need to have an incredible arsenal of cybernetics and weaponry at their disposal, which is why the First Person perspective fits perfectly. Essentially, this is a First Person Shooter, and the gameplay design really was meant for just that.

With my own impressions of the game, I feel like if they had made it in the Third Person vantage point, the immersion would have been broken. Especially with the opening sequence I witnessed during my time with the game. It was gritty and just would not have had the same intended reaction had it not been up close and personal.

Many were concerned about the vantage selection because how incredible the character customization is. The hair color, face, eyes, scars, tattoos - everything. If you're like me and can easily be lost in hours of character customization, it's understandable that you'd want to see that same character in action. But don't fear, hopeful fans. With no loading screens yet fluid cutscenes, you will have plenty of time to see that pretty face of yours. That careful selection process won't go to waste, I promise.

You read more about our thoughts on the game right here!

For more about the game itself, as per CD Projekt RED themselves:

"The game follows the story of V — a hired gun on the rise in Night City, the most violent and dangerous metropolis of the corporate-ruled future. A robust character creator will allow players to choose V's gender, visual appearance, character class, as well as historical background — all of which may influence the shape of the game.

With dozens of hours of main story arc quests, and many more of additional activities, there's always something to see and do in Night City. Players will experience all of it entirely through V's eyes, with an interactive dialogue system that gives them greater narrative agency."

Want to talk even more RPG goodness? Feel free to follow me over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy - I'm the ultimate fangirl!