'Marvel's Spider-Man' Features Hilarious Surprise 'Boss Fight' With Classic Villain

WARNING: There are mild mid-game spoilers for Marvel's Spider-Man ahead. If you haven't purchased [...]

WARNING: There are mild mid-game spoilers for Marvel's Spider-Man ahead. If you haven't purchased the game yet, and you want to go in completely fresh, now would be the time to back out and go read something else (like our spoiler-free review).

Marvel's Spider-Man contains an impressive list of villains (including three surprise villains we didn't expect to see), but Insomniac Games couldn't fit everyone in there. There's a long list of villains and anti-heroes that we would have loved to see in the game, and one of those villains is Mysterio. While we don't actually encounter Mysterio in the game, there is one really amusing cutscene that features a mini "boss fight" with someone dressed up as Mysterio, and it's incredibly charming. Check it out in the video below:

We won't reveal everything that's happening in the story at this point — you can find the major story spoilers elsewhere — but it will suffice to say that Spider-Man has found himself navigating a goofy, alcohol-fueled Halloween party in the heart of New York City as he searches for someone.

As Spider-Man interrogates party-goers in an attempt to locate someone, he runs into a civilian dressed as the classic villain, Mysterio. After a brief exchange, the enthusiastic volunteer throws down a store-bought smoke bomb and disappears into the house of mirrors, and Spider-Man pursues.

When the two come face-to-face, a quick "boss fight" cutscene ensues, to the amusement of all. This was such a cute and creative way to include an extra boss fight for fans to enjoy, even if the stakes aren't high or life-threatening. We don't know what kind of NERF or pellet gun the masked Mysterio is using to fire at Spider-Man, but we want it for ourselves. After a few incredible aerial dodges, Spider-Man webs the mask right off of the volunteer and gets down to business. This is one of our favorite exchanges in the game.

There are countless other Marvel Easter eggs and secrets stashed away in Marvel's Spider-Man. We found Jessica Jones' office, and it's not very impressive. We also found a hidden Fantastic Four Easter egg that, even if you're looking for it, you probably missed. Remember the doomed marriage proposal Easter egg that was discovered this weekend? Well, someone else found it and used it, and they had very different results.

Stay tuned to ComicBook.com/gaming for all of the latest on Marvel's Spider-Man!