New 'Apex Legends' Data Shows 50% of Players Are Bad Teammates

If you don't have friends to play Apex Legends with you'll know by now that most Apex Legends [...]

If you don't have friends to play Apex Legends with you'll know by now that most Apex Legends teammates are a sack of potatoes or have forgotten they are playing a team-based game. If you do have friends to play with, then you don't understand the struggle. But some new data provides just a little insight into the wild west that is Apex Legends matchmaking.

ResetEra user Kurdel recently took to the forum and shared a troubling screenshot of Apex Legends' PS4 trophy statistics that show fewer than 50 percent of people have earned the "Team Player" trophy.

For those that don't know: the "Team Player" trophy is awarded to players that respawn a teammate. And apparently, on PS4, only 49.5 of players have earned the trophy, showing that while Respawn Entertainment sought to make a battle royale game with teamwork at its core, players ain't having it, and rather are playing it like it's Free for All mode in Call of Duty.

Of course, it's worth pointing out some portion of the these 51.5 percent players who haven't respawned a teammate are players who have only played a minuscule amount of the game. And of course, more often than not when one of your teammates goes down, either the whole team goes down with them or they get revived before they need to be respawned. But still, this surely doesn't account for the whole, or even majority, of the 51.5 percent.

And I know because I play with randoms all the time. If you get game-ended, good luck. There's a better chance your teammate is on the other side of the map or has no clue what the heck is going on and is about to be dead alongside you. Playing with randoms is like a game of Russian Roulette, except rather than one bullet in the chamber, there's only one bullet missing.

So, if you see a teammate down. Don't run away. The chances of you winning with a two-person squad or by yourself are minimal anyway. Revive or Respawn them. Let's get this "Team Player" trophy number up.

Apex Legends is available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. At the moment of publishing, there's been no word of a Nintendo Switch or mobile port.

For more coverage on the hit battle royale game, click here.