Throughout the history of the horror genre, there have been few films as infamous as Cannibal Holocaust. Released in 1980, the Italian horror film pioneered the “found footage” sub-genre of horror. The film is actually the second in a series created by director Ruggero Deodato, sandwiched between 1977’s Jungle Holocaust, and 1985’s Cut and Run. In 2020, a fourth installment in the series will be released, in the form of a brand-new game from Fantastico Studio. The game will feature the direct involvement of Deodato, who sees the game as an opportunity to introduce a new audience to the themes and concept of his earlier works.
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According to Fantastico Studio, the title will be a graphic adventure game, with a horror slant. In the Unity made game, players will take on the role of multiple characters, as it is revealed what brings each of these people to the jungles of Borneo. Horror games tend to have a faster pace, while graphic adventure games are frequently slower, as players work to solve the game’s puzzles. So, it will be interesting to see how these two genres mix!
Regardless, Cannibal Holocaust makes for a fascinating choice for a video game. After all, the film has more than earned the controversy that surrounds it; its depiction of indigenous people has long been perceived as racist, despite the fact that the film is intended to be a commentary on media sensationalism. In a press release, Ruggero Deodato talked about the upcoming game, and the new possibilities that video games offer.
“Experimenting is one of the things that I consider most fundamental in this field. What really interests me is to test myself, try something new. Maybe that’s also why I waited so long to return to the world of the jungle and cannibals. At the time we went to the jungle, lived with the natives, showed the public a reality that they could never have personally experienced and understood. Today, instead there are dozens of documentaries and films that show life and nature of those places, and for me the theme had lost its appeal. Meeting the Fantastico Studio guys offered me the opportunity to return to those atmospheres, to those themes, but trying something new: contaminating my world with the video games language is a new challenge, making the story interactive opens up many new possibilities and I hope it will also help to bring young people closer to my narrative universe.”
Cannibal Holocaust is set for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, mobile, and PC in November.
Are you interested in playing a game based on Cannibal Holocaust? Have you seen Ruggero Deodato’s films? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!