
Alinity’s Cat Gets Big Mouthful of Revenge During Recent Stream

Natalia ‘Alinity’ Mogollon is one of the most popular Twitch streamers in the world, and one of […]

Natalia “Alinity” Mogollon is one of the most popular Twitch streamers in the world, and one of the most controversial ones. Just last year she found herself under investigation for throwing her cat on stream. By and large, all of this drama has blown over, and there hasn’t been a cat-related incident since. That said, the streamer’s cat didn’t forgot how his buddy was done dirty that one time on stream. Since that infamous night, he’s been plotting his revenge. And during a recent stream, he seized his opportunity and got his long-awaited payback by taking a big ol’ chomp out of the streamer’s arm. Thankfully, the bite didn’t seem too painful, or at least Alinity’s reaction suggests as much.

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Despite controversy involving them, it’s well known that Alinity loves her cats, who can usually be found with her on stream, often climbing on and around the streamer. And this was the case during a recent stream, where Alinity found herself singing some classic Aerosmith. It was this moment Maya knew his chance had arrived. All of sudden, the cat appears on screen and chomps down on Alinity’s arm.

Later in the stream, Alinity explained the real reason her cat decided to make a snack out of her arm:

“He interrupts my singing as a female being in heat,” said Alinity as she pet her fluffy, bitey friend. “I’m sorry, I will never sing again. I promise to God I will not sing again,” added the streamer while talking to Maya.

It’s worth pointing out more explicitly that the cat that got tossed on stream was Alinity’s cat Milo, not Maya. In other words, not the same cat. At the moment of publishing, Maya has not revealed why he tried to bite the arm off his owner off.

For more news, media, rumors, and leaks on Twitch, be sure to take a second and peruse all of our past and recent coverage of the streaming platform — and everything related to it — by clicking right here. In the most recent and related news, Dr Disrespect recently slammed his keyboard and punched his mic after a vexing moment with Overwatch.