'Apex Legends' Player Finds Powerful Pathfinder Exploit

Pathfinder is already Apex Legends’ most mobile Legend with a grappling hook and zipline [...]

Pathfinder is already Apex Legends' most mobile Legend with a grappling hook and zipline allowing the robot to easily traverse the map, but a new exploit has been discovered that lets him do so without putting his Tactical ability on cooldown.

By using Pathfinder's Tactical ability that shoots a hook out and pulls Pathfinder towards the target, players can access pretty much any location in Apex Legends' map that isn't explicitly out of bounds. Doing so can put Pathfinder in a predicament though since the ability goes on cooldown and a jump or zipline are the only avenues for escape, but in the video below which was shared on Reddit, Pathfinder can scale vertical walls and still use the Tactical ability once the Legend reaches its destination.

Found out Pathfinder can do this from r/apexlegends

The exploit appears to involve Pathfinder squaring up against perfectly vertical wall and looking straight up so that the Tactical ability is aimed just inches away from where it would hit the wall. Targeting the wall would normally pull Pathfinder up and over the ledge, but spamming the ability just outside of the wall's hitbox causes Pathfinder to slowly inch up the wall. The animation seen and heard from the ability is the same one that happens when Pathfinder uses it but doesn't hit a target which won't cause the ability to go on cooldown.

Pathfinder's exploit seems to be a situational one since it requires the ability to be used against a flat, vertical surface, but being able to use an ability without it going on cooldown is still an obvious exploit and benefit for the user. The player in the video scaled the wall at the Repulsor, an advantageous spot for a Pathfinder and its team since it provides a wide view of the surroundings. Getting up on the wall is easy enough with a zipline or grappling hook, but the green beam scaled immediately afterwards is a bit trickier and is also a spot where enemies would hardly expect to look for an enemy. Being able to get up to those spots is one of the perks of Pathfinder, but doing so without expending cooldowns is a problem.

Respawn just recently patched out several exploits and issues in a server update released before the start of the weekend, so while this new exploit might attract a few new Pathfinder players, it likely won't be left in the game for long.