'Apex Legends' Players Win Match Without Using Guns

A squad of Apex Legends players managed to win not one but two matches without every having to [...]

A squad of Apex Legends players managed to win not one but two matches without every having to fire a single bullet since they never picked up guns.

The video below which was shared to the Apex Legends subreddit by a user named Sonxr shows one squad's journey to a win without using conventional weapons. Only using their fists, kicks, healing and shielding items, and throwable items like Arc Stars, the three managed to win the game by using the right team composition and picking some opportunistic fights.

Within the comments of the post, another player who actually fought against them and was a member of the remaining squad the trio defeated vouched for their accomplishment and said the win was legit. The user who posted the video originally said the winning squad actually won two games in a row using this tactic.

My friends and I decided to try win without ANY guns from r/apexlegends

Apex Legends players have been attempting no-gun challenges since right after the game's release, a challenge that's doable at least for a few minutes into a game given how many creative options items Legends' abilities allow for. Winning a match like this is an entirely different beast though since players naturally become better equipped as the match winds down, but being able to slow and disorient enemies with Arc Stars and other throwables certainly helps even the odds. Without an inventory that's weighed down by ammo for guns, players are also free to carry many more of those consumables and throwables.

If anyone's looking to recreate this success, the team comp showed in the video above is probably a smart one to replicate. By using Lifeline, Bangalore, and Gibraltar, a squad's got shields, heals, smoke grenades for cover, and the occasional care package to refresh their inventories. Another tip that's becoming more widespread now is that jumping melee attacks where players kick come out quicker than melee attacks from the ground, so jumping and striking enemies had the double advantage of being faster and also making players more difficult to hit.

New evidence of Apex Legends' next rumored Legend called Octane has also surfaced recently, so it'll be interested to see if that Legend is more or less viable in a no-gun challenge like this one, assuming he's really the next Legend to release.


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