Apex Legends players learned this week the plans for Season 16’s class overhaul where every Legend in the game will be assigned to a new class that comes with its own unique perks. These will make it so that Legends’ playstyles are more defined with each character now sharing some traits with others that fall within the same category. These changes will go into effect in Season 16 with future Legends expected to fit into the same categories.
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The new classes are Assault, Skirmisher, Recon, Controller, and Support. The breakdown of who goes where can be seen below:
- Assault: Bangalore, Ash, Fuse, Mad Maggie, Revenant
- Skirmisher: Wraith, Valkyrie, Octane, Horizon, Mirage, Pathfinder
- Recon: Bloodhound, Crypto, Seer, Vantage
- Controller: Caustic, Wattson, Rampart, Catalyst
- Support: Lifeline, Loba, Gibraltar, Newcastle
Assault Legends
Under this new system, Assault Legends will be able to access the secret compartment of special “Weapon Supply Bins” which contain weapon attachments for whatever guns your team has. This functions similarly to how Lifeline could interact with the blue supply bins.
They’ll also be able to carry more ammo per stack, though the stacks for shotgun and sniper weapons have reduced extra stacks.
Skirmisher Legends
For Skirmishers, they’ll be able to reveal the contents of incoming care packages before they even hit the ground. This’ll allow them to highlight valuable weapons quickly, and since Skirmishers are geared towards mobility, they’ll be able to potentially snag the weapons quickly. It’ll also be revealed if an enemy team takes one of the care package weapons before you can get to it.
In addition to that ability, Skirmishers will be able to ping “map icons or in-world icons” for their teammates.
Recon Legends
Recon Legends are getting some of the biggest changes next season. Instead of using Survey Beacons to reveal the next ring, these modified Survey Beacons will now reveal enemies’ positions.
They function similarly to how Crypto’s map room works when players activate that massive structure. Once used, a modified Survey Beacon will reveal all enemy positions on the map for 30 seconds. If an enemy is in range to be spotted, they’ll be notified that they’ve been scanned.
Controller Legends
If you’re wondering who’s now going to be able to spot the next circle on the map, look no further than the Controllers. These Legends will be able to interact with new Ring Consoles around maps to find the next ring location.
Respawn Entertainment said the reasoning behind moving this ability over to the Controllers is that those sorts of Legends are the ones who want to set up in spots and defend certain areas, so they’ll be able to better do so by knowing where to go next.
Support Legends
And finally, the Supports. These Legends will be able to craft ally Respawn Banners at crafters for 30 materials each. One banner is enough to bring back both members of a team if they’re both dead.
Lifeline’s interactions with the blue Supply Bins have been extended to the Support class overall, too. All Supports will now be able to use those to access extra resources for their teammates.